August 21, 2015

71% of Homeowners Who Replaced Their Garage Door Think It Helped Resale. Were They Right?

Home’s resale value

The ayes have it: this one change will boost your home’s resale value

If you’ve ever thought that replacing your garage door would boost your home’s resale value, you’re not alone. A recent survey discovered that over 70% of homeowners who replaced their garage door thought it helped increase the selling price, and experts agree.

As one article explains it, if you’re looking “to increase the resale value of your house, you need to grab the buyer at first glance with a clean, neat, beautiful exterior.” In other words, for the best return on your investment, replacing that old garage door cannot be beat.

In need of a little more persuading? Consider these points and recommendations:

Replacement is Affordable

A garage door replacement costs less than you think. Average prices for a new garage door range from $700 to several thousand dollars, depending on the size and material. Even if your budget is small, you can still have an appealing door that will enhance that all‑important curb appeal.

Big ROI on a New Door

It’s possible that a garage door replacement “can fetch an 85 percent return on investment.” In some cases, the potential exists to recoup much more than that. Most realtors will recommend a garage door replacement before listing a house, particularly if the old door shows sign of age or is an outdated style.

Curb Appeal Means a Faster Sell

It can’t be emphasized often enough ‑ curb appeal is a critical factor in a home’s price. Enhancing your home’s appeal by replacing the garage door will help the property sell more quickly and that translates into real overall savings.

Go Energy Efficient for More Savings

Updating to a newer model door that is also insulated makes your home more energy efficient and that means lower utility bills, which is another great selling point with buyers. If you live in an area with a milder climate, or your garage is detached, opt for a less‑expensive, yet still attractive, non‑insulated door.

Do Your Research

Finally, do some informal research of your own. Check out home improvement magazines and websites that feature before and after pictures of homes where the garage doors were replaced. Impressive, right? Now take a look at your own home and see it through the eyes of a prospective buyer. Does your garage door send the message “buy me?”

Ready to Add Value to Your Home with a New Garage Door?

Remember, the garage is often the first thing many house‑hunters see when they pull up to your home, and they frequently make up their minds in that moment about whether to buy. Make the decision to replace your old door and you’ll maximize curb appeal as well as add instant value to your home. It’s one smart investment you’ll be glad you made.

If you’re looking for a quality, attractive garage door, Door Systems Metro Boston can help. Browse through our variety of residential garage doors, and get a free quote. Turn your home into a gem on the market!

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